What are the rules for winning a Premier League medal? Man City players who may miss out

Manchester City won a sixth Premier League title in seven years under Pep Guardiola as the 2023/24 campaign came to its conclusion.

City did not blow away competitors Arsenal this year as the title race went to the final day of the season but they ended on an unbeaten run of 35 games in all competitions, a sign of their dominance.

The Sporting News takes a look at which players could be omitted from winning the medal based on the league's rules.

Has any team ever won four Premier League titles in a row?

The Premier League opted for a change in rules surrounding medals ahead of the 2012/13 campaign with eligibility cut from previous seasons.

From 1992/93 to 2011/12 players from Premier League title-winning sides were required to make 10 top-flight appearances (including substitute appearances) to qualify for a medal.

The Premier League opted to change that in 2011, with a minimum of five games now needed to be awarded a medal.

Clubs are awarded 40 medals, which can also be distributed to management and coaching staff, and relevant players however that club chooses.

The Premier League Board can also award extra medals, with grounds for dispensation including backup goalkeepers, injury and the rare case of more than 39 players making five or more Premier League appearances.

The rules mean the majority of title-winning squads are now eligible for a medal but there could still be some exceptions.

Within Guardiola's current squad, goalkeeper Scott Carson and current West Ham loanee Kalvin Phillips would miss out.

The change of rules in 2011 has reduced the chances of players missing out on the glory of picking up a medal and the early years of the Premier League were littered with stars not being ineligible for a medal.


Player League Team Substitution Title awards Citi

Scott Carson


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