"It's green": Kai Cenat claims Drake changed his number after trying to call him on stream

Popular Twitch streamer Kai Cenat recently tried calling Drake on stream. However, things didn't work out and Kai claimed that the rapper must have changed his number, insinuating that he has the celebrity's older number. It all came about while discussing the latest diss track about Kendrick Lamar.

The streamer was discussing the recent viral diss tracks on his most recent stream. While talking about how fans of the Canadian rapper should be more aggressive, a viewer asked the streamer to call him up. The Twitch star replied:

The AMP member reiterated that the rapper would not pickup while trying to contact him:

After a moment the streamer claimed that Drake had changed his number as the messages were green:

Drake and Kai Cenat are on very friendly terms, with the rapper's recent song Push Ups mentioning the Twitch streamer by name. They have interacted publicly on multiple occasions as well, which is why when Kai could not reach the singer, clips of the incident started circulating on social media, with many viewers trolling the Twitch streamer about being blocked by the rapper.

However, soon after, Kai got on a call with fellow content creator Dontai and explained that he was not blocked, stating:

Dontai then asked him if he was doing a bit that was misrepresented by people who were claiming that Drake blocked him. Kai Cenat refuted that by saying that it was not a bit. As mentioned, the two have interacted on stream before, and the streamer claimed to have not received the rapper's new number:

In related news, Kai Cenat recently accomplished quite a feat, becoming the tenth person to ever cross 10 million followers on Twitch.

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Kai Cenat Kendrick Lamar


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