Kai Cenat spends more than four hours trying to defeat the first optional boss in his Elden Ring marathon

Twitch star Kai Cenat started his Elden Ring marathon on May 10, 2024. However, he hit a snag with the first overworld field boss, Tree Sentinel. At the time of writing, he was four hours into the livestream and was yet to beat it.

Considering Cenat will supposedly stream non-stop until he finishes the game, the fact that he is spending so much time on an avoidable boss has garnered a lot of attention on social media. A clip of the streamer trying his best has gone viral on X.

For those who are unaware, the Tree Sentinel is the first field boss that Elden Ring players encounter after exiting the tutorial area (Stranded Graveyard) in Limgrave. While the enemy type is not unique, it is the first major optional boss in the Lands Between, and inexperienced Souls-like players are bound to have difficulties defeating it.

Although the boss appears in the direct path to the Church of Elleh, which is where the grace subtly guides the player, it is completely optional. A majority of beginners usually avoid fighting it till later in the game after they have leveled up their character.

Kai Cenat, who is supposed to be doing a marathon to finish the game in one sitting, chose not to avoid it and has been trying to beat it for over four hours (as of writing). While the Twitch star is prepared for the long playthrough, having released an epic trailer for the 100+ hour Elden Ring livestream, this does not bode well for him if he wants to finish the title fast.

That said, what Cenat is attempting is not entirely impossible. Fellow Twitch streamer Zack "Asmongold" once beat the Tree Sentinel with a level 1 wretch character for charity a couple of years ago. However, unlike Cenat, Asmongold had played through the entire game a bunch of times

Streamers Twitch Streamers

Kai Cenat Elden Ring


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