How long is Hades 2? (Early Access)

Hades 2 is finally here, delivering an all-new dose of chaotic roguelike action derivative of Supergiant Games' previous rendition. As such, players are treated to a near infinitely replayable experience thanks to different builds, speed runs, and other aspects that let fans grind to their heart's content. Meanwhile, those looking for a more casual run may look to end their sessions sooner rather than later.

Whether you're a newcomer or a returning Hades veteran, you may want to know how long this journey lasts. Here is all you need to know about the story length.

Currently, the game is in the early access stage. As such, you can expect roughly around 25-30 hours of content. However, developer Supergiant Games is actively developing the game; in other words, more content such as new bosses, new powerups, and more mechanics will be slowly drip-fed over time.

This also includes the story. As it is a narrative-heavy game, runs and choices subsequently progress the narrative with the introduction of new characters and scenarios. Thus, you will slowly piece together the plot. How will Melinoe confront and defeat the Titan of Time? It remains to be seen, as the story is virtually incomplete at this point - which is expected from an early access game.

You will need to wait until the final 1.0 release - whose final launch date remains elusive - for the complete package. However, it is quite evident that Hades 2 is a bigger game than what came before. Compared to the final rendition of Hades, it has virtually quadrupled in length.

Completionists easily took upwards of 90-100 or so hours to see the game through in its entirety. As such, you can expect Hades 2 to be as big, if not bigger. As for what's next in store, it remains to be

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