Real Madrid to expel 138 members for reselling

Real Madrid announced 4 hours before the second leg of the Champions League semi-final against Bayern Munich at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium, the collaboration with the Municipal Police to confiscate 138 resold membership cards and will proceed to the "immediate expulsion" of the full members.

The resale, which in the last few hours has exceeded 1,000 euros per ticket, has been put in the spotlight by Real Madrid and the Municipal Police, who have located and confiscated 138 tickets that were seized on Tuesday for improper use.

Real Madrid informed 'EFE' that those cards that have been resold have been blocked and cannot be used, so the people who bought them to access the Santiago Bernabeu will not be able to enter to watch Real Madrid-Bayern.

The club have proposed to its Disciplinary Committee "the immediate expulsion of the members holding these membership cards".

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