2024 NFL season: Day 3 rookies who could compete for starter snaps in Year 1

Most players picked on the third day of the NFL draft (when Rounds 4 through 7 are held) are typically expected to contribute as a reserve and/or on special teams in their rookie season.

However, 10 of 157 Day 3 selections started eight or more contests in 2023, down from 16 of 158 selections in 2022. Record-setting Rams fifth-round receiver Puka Nacua (who made this list last year) headlines that group of 10, which also included quarterback Aidan O'Connell (fourth round, Raiders), offensive linemen Anthony Bradford (fourth, Seahawks), Blake Freeland (fourth, Colts), Dawand Jones (fourth, Browns) and Sidy Sow (fourth, Patriots), receiver Trey Palmer (sixth, Buccaneers), defensive lineman Dante Stills (sixth, Arizona) and cornerbacks Jaylon Jones (seventh, Colts) and Carrington Valentine (seventh, Packers).

A rookie's talent certainly factors into how quickly they see the field at the next level, but injuries to veterans and the relative strength of their position group also often determine draftees' playing time. Here are 15 Day 3 picks from the 2024 NFL Draft who could be in line to start in their first season, ranked in order of the likelihood they will receive and take advantage of potential opportunities.

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